Our Authors

Julien S. Bourrelle / Credit: Jon Danielsen

 Julien S. Bourrelle is the author of the bestseller series "The Social Guidebook to Norway" and "Nordmenn uten filter". He is also the author of "The Swedes" and "Cracking the Scandinavian Code" and the founder of Mondå Forlag. He is educated as a rocket scientist and is a known internationalkeynote speakers.

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Elise H. Kollerud / Credits Julien S. Bourrelle Elise H. Kollerud is Mondå Forlag's Head of Publishing and illustrator of The Social Guidebook to Norway, "Nordmenn uten filter", "Working with Swedes" and "Norwegian Food". Elise is educated in sociology and nursing. 

 Egil Aslak Aursand Hagerup is the author of "Norges uskrevne lover" – the original Norwegian version of our bestseller “The 100 Unwritten Norwegian Social Laws”. Egil also authored Talerens Lille Sleipe (How to Hold Speeches). He currently works with content development in NRK and is known as a comedy writer for web, comic books, radio and television. He studied political science and sociology.


 Arnt Steffensen is the author of "Norwegian food - Can anyone eat this?" ("En smak av norsk kultur: Det unike og merkelige vi spiser"), a book on the special Norwegian food traditions. Arnt also authored Whiskyboka, Cognacboka and Akevittboka.  He is the President of The Norwegian Diet and Nutrition Association and a professional chef.


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