HM King Harald V of Norway (Possibly the best King in the World)

A few months ago you said these words

Which echoed across the planet

"Norwegians are girls that love girls

Boys that love boys

And boys and girls that love each other"

I think it is pretty awesome

That a 80 year old monarch says things like this

This is what is pretty cool about your family

You bring people together

You follow the development in the way people live

You connect Norway from within

You make all Norwegians

Feel welcome

Feel appreciated 

And you connect your country with the rest of the world

You make many foreigners

Feel welcome

Feel appreciated

You make people feel like their diversity is beneficial for your country

You are "Folkelig"

(That means "part of the people" in Norwegian)

This is something few of us foreigners are used to


Illustration: The Social Guidebook to Norway

But all appreciate

Illustration: The Social Guidebook to Norway

Happy birthday!


- Julien S. Bourrelle


Illustrations from "The Social Guidebook to Norway"

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